Categories: ClimateCLIMATE CHANGE

Animated Chart: The World’s Top 15 Carbon Emitters (1850-2022)

The World’s Top 15 Carbon Emitters (1850-2022)

Carbon emissions worldwide have shifted over the past centuries. However, what remains consistent is that the biggest economies have been the major emitters since the 19th century.

This chart by James Eagle uses data from Our World in Data to show the 15 largest carbon dioxide (CO₂) emitters between 1850 and 2022.

U.S. the Top Emitter for Over 100 Years

As the pioneer of the Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom spent most of the 19th century at the top of the carbon emissions ranking.


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Rank – 1850 Emitter CO2 (million tonnes)
1 United Kingdom 122.4
2 United States 19.8
3 France 19.6
4 Germany 15.1
5 Belgium 9.3
6 Poland 3.2

In 1888, however, the United States surpassed the UK to become the largest emitter of carbon. The American Civil War was over, and the country saw significant infrastructure expansion while focusing on settling the West.

Interestingly, America’s CO₂ emissions back then were small compared to today’s: for example, California’s current emissions are more than the entire country’s in 1888.

Throughout the first five decades of the 20th century, the U.S., UK, and Germany dominated the top of the rankings.

In the 1950s, with the increase in merchant traffic, the shipping sector became one of the major contributors to carbon emissions. During the same period, with the expansion of the Soviet Union, Russia surpassed Germany to become the second-largest carbon emitter. China also rose to occupy the fourth place.


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China Tops CO₂ Emissions Since 2006

In the 1990s, China saw carbon emissions soar due to industrial growth, while the Middle East saw them rise due to strong global oil demand.

In 2006, China surpassed the United States as the world’s largest emitter. The aviation sector also became one of the top 15 emitters in the same decade.

Rank – 2022 Emitter CO2 (million tonnes)
1 China 11,396.8
2 United States 5,057.3
3 India 2,829.6
4 Middle East 2,677.6
5 Russia 1,652.2
6 Japan 1,053.8
7 Iran 690.6
8 Germany 665.6
9 Shipping 624.5
10 Canada 547.9
11 Mexico 512.0
12 Aviation 424.9
13 Italy 338.1
14 Poland 323.1
15 United Kingdom 318.7

Currently, the volume of Chinese carbon emissions is more than double that of the U.S. Historically, however, the U.S. has emitted more CO₂ in cumulative terms.


NOTE – This article was originally published in visualcapitalist and can be viewed here


Tags: #AnimatedChart, #carbon, #carbondioxide, #CarbonEmitters, #climate, #climatechange, #CO2, #environment, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories

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