Categories: WasteWASTE TO WORTH

Being Sustainable in the Kitchen

“The more sustainable we are, the healthier we are. Similarly, the more human we are, the better. Because to cook is to care.”
–– Joan Roca

The kitchens are most likely the heart of our houses. It is where we get almost all our meals from. If not our kitchen, then the food comes from the kitchen of some fancy restaurant or fast-food joint. Kitchens are basically one of the important areas in all of our lives. Being sustainable in the kitchen will be of much use and it will make for a better lifestyle and future for us.


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Being sustainable in the kitchen doesn’t just mean eating healthy food. It also has a lot to do with the packaging of a certain food, the way it was obtained, and even the way it was cooked. A sustainable kitchen is a safe kitchen that can contribute towards saving the Earth. Some of the ways that we can be sustainable in our kitchens’ are shown below.

Using long-lasting cookware

Instead of buying cheap plastic containers to store the food, it is better to buy utensils made from steel or glass as they are more durable and long-lasting. When you think about it, buying a better appliance for a few dollars more will be better than buying a cheaper copy ad having to change it every few weeks. This way, you can reduce the amount of waste that will be produced if you keep changing your utensils, and it is better for your pocket as well, especially if the items are intended for long-term use.

Reduce food waste

Most of the waste that we produce daily is that of food waste. As humans, we are entitled to a lot of different kinds of foods and flavors, and most of the time, we take them for granted. We usually buy whatever produce looks good to us and make enough food to feed ten people. Unless you are going to finish eating every last bite, it is not recommended to buy or cook too much food. We have always been advised from a young age to ‘Take what you eat and eat what you take.’ These are definitely something to remember when being in a sustainable kitchen.

Using the whole plant

Why do we throw away orange peels or chop off the top part of celery? It might be surprising to know that you don’t have to. In most fruits and vegetables, we can eat all of the parts of we can use it for some other purpose. Coffee grinds can be used as a body scrub and can leave your skin feeling amazing. You can even use stems and leaves from certain vegetables to make vegetable stock. DIY scented candles made from orange and lemon peels can leave your house smelling fresh and you don’t even need to give any extra money for it.


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Use natural cleaning products

After a day’s worth of cooking, your kitchen is bound to get messy, especially the countertops and stoves. Cleaning the surface with conventional products like sprays and lotions is dangerous as these products contain harmful chemicals that could affect your family and the environment as well. It is better to switch to greener cleaning products that are made from all-natural ingredients with little or no deadly chemicals. Green cleaning products are making their way to the markets fast nowadays and there are a variety of products to choose from. We should always remember to read the labels and see what ingredients are included in these products before we buy them.

Shop seasonally

We know that each fruit or vegetable has a particular season in which they grow the best and have the most taste. If we see out of season fruits and vegetables, it is obviously artificially ripened or maybe even imported. This means that they will contain a lot of chemicals and preservatives that are used to make sure it doesn’t get spoilt. We have to make sure that we buy the products that are in season and it is preferable if we buy them from local farmers’ markets as we will be able to support these low-income farmers as well.

Making green choices

There are many green alternatives to the conventional items that we use in our kitchens daily. We can use steel or bamboo straws instead of the cheap plastic ones for instance. These are extremely beneficial as they are reusable and you don’t need to keep buying new straws all the time. We can also take cloth bags to the supermarket instead of buying plastic ones which could even tear and are harmful to the environment. We could buy energy-efficient appliances in our homes so that lesser power is consumed.


Read Also : Top 10 Summer Fruits and Veggies


Cook from scratch

If you are making something like a pizza or burger at home, try to make the crust or the buns at home from scratch as well. It is not really that hard and you will be more pleased with the results than if you had bought the crust from the store. If you stop buying too many food items from the supermarkets, you can reduce a lot of the waste that is produced in the manufacturing of the containers to store the products. Eve chicken stock or vegetable stocks can be made in our homes as well and you have to put little or no effort into it.

If you can start with being sustainable in your kitchen, then you are starting the revolution. You can inform your friends, family, and neighbors about all the changes that you are making and they can start making the change as well. These changes are not only good for the environment, but they are pocket-friendly as well. Being this positive role model, your children will start following in your footsteps and they will also try to be more sustainable. It is time to make a lot of changes in the world and all that can start from your own homes.

“It is often said of a person that he or she is ‘beautiful inside’. A browned banana, a bruised fruit still has a huge potential in terms of smell, flavour, texture. Therefore, responsibility of the chef, as well as that of all of us cooking at home, is to find that inner beauty in each product.”
–– Chef Massimo Bottura

-Sharon Ajith                                                                               -23/06/2021

Tags: #chiken, #cook, #curst, #fast-food, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #kitchen, #pizza, #sustainable, #waste

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