
How a Kenyan farmer became a champion of climate change denial

Climate change deniers have found a new champion in Kenyan farmer Jusper Machogu. On social media, he has become known…

1 week ago

In a boiling world, chief heat officers battle ‘silent killer’

'Heat is the most deadly climate danger. It's a silent killer,' said Elissavet Bargianni, who was appointed chief heat officer…

3 weeks ago

EU carbon market emissions fall record 15.5% as renewable power soars

  LONDON, April 3 (Reuters) - Carbon dioxide emissions regulated under the European Union's emissions trading system (ETS) fell by…

3 months ago

Tackling Climate Change in the Birthplace of Oil

For the second year in a row, the United Nations climate summit known as COP will take place in a…

5 months ago

With global road to net zero passing through India, country needs to chart a different path than that taken by the US

Currently, India’s per capita consumption of energy is a tenth of the US, but as millions are lifted out of…

11 months ago

Taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turning it into vinegar

Credit: Winslow Productions / Getty Images Researchers have made a catalyst that can turn carbon dioxide into acetic acid, a…

1 year ago

From Forgotten Formula to Climate Game Changer: A New Tool for Converting Carbon Dioxide

  Scientists at Cornell University have re-purposed the 120-year-old Cottrell equation to understand the reactions carbon dioxide undergoes when subjected…

1 year ago

Novel salt-based strategy may efficiently capture and store carbon dioxide

With the rising greenhouse gas emissions, it has become inevitable to develop cutting-edge solutions to remove the lingering carbon dioxide…

1 year ago

Carbon Capture Is Beginning To Take Off

As governments move to back carbon capture projects and corporations look to reduce their carbon footprint In the U.K., the…

1 year ago

Climate change could reduce life in the ocean’s twilight zone by up to 40%, says new study

The research team looked at the abundance of life in the twilight zone in past warm climates by examining preserved…

1 year ago

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