
Climate Change: What is Carbon Capture That Germany will Implement? Can it Save the World?

Carbon capture reduces the amount of carbon dioxide that goes into the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels... Germany will have…

4 months ago

India aims at $1 billion fresh banana exports in next 5 years

India’s banana export destinations extend beyond the Middle East, with potential opportunities in major global players like the USA, Russia,…

6 months ago

So much for green agenda: Germany demolishes wind farm to expand coal field

Even as the West shoves its green climate agenda down the throat of the developing world, it itself keeps on…

9 months ago

From Forgotten Formula to Climate Game Changer: A New Tool for Converting Carbon Dioxide

  Scientists at Cornell University have re-purposed the 120-year-old Cottrell equation to understand the reactions carbon dioxide undergoes when subjected…

1 year ago

Crushing rocks could capture CO2 equivalent to the size of Germany

New research published in Nature Sustainability has found that approximately 0.5 percent of global carbon emissions could be captured by crushing rocks…

1 year ago

Air Pollution Impairs Successful Mating of Flies

A research team at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, demonstrates that increased levels of ozone…

1 year ago

New process could capture carbon dioxide equivalent to forest the size of Germany

New research suggests that around 0.5% of global carbon emissions could be captured during the normal crushing process of rocks…

1 year ago

The world is on track to overshoot 1.5 degrees of warming, so it’s time to study reflecting sun away from the Earth, UN says

KEY POINTS The "speculative group of technologies" that involve reflecting sunlight away from the Earth and back toward space, often…

1 year ago

What is climate change? A really simple guide

World temperatures are rising because of human activity, and climate change now threatens every aspect of human life. Left unchecked,…

2 years ago

How we follow climate change: climate news use and attitudes in eight countries

Executive summary ↑ In this report, we use online survey data collected in August and September 2022 to document and understand…

2 years ago

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