
How climate change is worsening water scarcity in the Andaman Islands

Geographical features limit freshwater retention while ageing pipelines and poor infrastructure cause wastage of the precious resource. As clouds gathered…

2 days ago

Storing carbon in the form of gas hydrates deep under water

A new study finds that the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean can serve as potential carbon sinks by…

6 days ago

Hemp-Based Bioplastics: The Promise and Potential in Sustainable Packaging

With a growing emphasis on sustainability across industries, hemp bioplastics represent a pivotal step towards a greener future, fostering innovation…

2 weeks ago

Earth in crisis mode: Every month in 2024 has been the hottest on record

This run of record temperatures aligns with a long-term warming trend driven primarily by human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. In Short…

2 weeks ago

Scientists Stunned By Bizarre New Species In Ocean’s Darkest Depths

This region, characterized by its abyssopelagic depths, has long remained a mystery to scientists, with only a fraction of its…

2 weeks ago

An event that happens once every 2,000 years is taking place in the Antarctic

The loss of sea ice - which is 10 times the size of the UK - in the Antarctic sea…

2 weeks ago

International Day for Biological Diversity: Be part of the Plan

Planet Earth – our shared home – is teetering on the brink of a sixth wave of extinction. As our world…

1 month ago

Researchers surprised to find several rare blue whales during expedition: ‘These are positive steps towards their conservation’

"The data collected in Seychelles gives us hope and encourages us to do more." Blue whales are among the rarest…

1 month ago

Climate change: Indian Ocean racing towards unprecedented heatwave crisis

The rapid warming is not limited to the surface - the heat content of the Indian Ocean down to 2,000…

1 month ago

Global warming threatens to release massive methane reserves hidden underneath the Arctic’s permafrost!

The frigid Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, although kept largely out of the common public's eye and attention, is hiding a major threat;…

2 months ago

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