
Is Earth Really Getting Too Hot For People To Survive? What Scientists Say

When its hot outside in dry places, most of the time our bodies can cool off by evaporating water and…

5 days ago

May heatwave in India 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than warmest heatwave due to climate change

New study links India's May heatwaves to El Nino and rising greenhouse gases, highlighting urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions…

3 weeks ago

In a boiling world, chief heat officers battle ‘silent killer’

'Heat is the most deadly climate danger. It's a silent killer,' said Elissavet Bargianni, who was appointed chief heat officer…

3 weeks ago

Ancient trees reveal last summer hottest in 2,000 years

Clues hidden deep in the trunks of ancient trees have revealed that last summer was the northern hemisphere's hottest in…

4 weeks ago

Delhi At 52.9, Iran Airport Heat Index At 66 Degrees Celsius: How Earth Is Becoming “Inferno”

According to Kuldeep Srivastava, regional head of India Meteorological Department (IMD), the already high temperature in Delhi broke record because…

4 weeks ago

Climate change caused 26 extra days of extreme heat globally

The report comes as parts of India reel under an extreme heatwave that is expected to last over a week.…

4 weeks ago

Climate change: World’s oceans suffer from record-breaking year of heat

Watch - 'If I were a barnacle I'd be worried' - a marine biologist talks to BBC News Climate Editor…

1 month ago

Why Climate Change Needs to Be an Election Issue in India

  India is among the worst hit by climate change, however it has not featured prominently as an election issue.…

2 months ago

Europe is world’s fastest-warming continent, report says

The latest five-year averages show temperatures in Europe are now running 2.3 degrees C above pre-industrial levels Europe is the…

2 months ago

Climate change: Deadly African heatwave ‘impossible’ without warming

A deadly heatwave in West Africa and the Sahel was "impossible" without human-induced climate change, scientists say. Temperatures soared above…

2 months ago

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