Categories: FOODHealth

S Superfoods To Consume Instead Of A Multivitamin

1 Kale – Kale is one of the most vitamin-rich foods in the world and can be consumed instead of a multivitamin.

A man’s hand holding a bunch of kale.


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2 Brazil Nuts – Brazil Nuts are filled with vitamins and are a perfect food for those lacking in selenium.

3 Yellow Bell Peppers – Yellow Bell Peppers are among the best dietary sources for consuming vitamin C.

4 Cod Liver Oil – Cod Liver oil is the best food option for improving the health of the heart.




5 Fish – Fish are extremely nutritious and can be consumed in place of any other supplement.

6 Spinach – Spinach is also a rich source of all kinds of vitamins.

7 Whole Grain – Whole grains are filled with fibre and are rich in vitamin B, iron, folate, magnesium, potassium and selenium.


NOTE – This article was originally published in pixstory and can be viewed here


Tags: #BrazilNuts, #CodLiverOil, #fish, #fitness, #food, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #health, #kale, #Multivitamin, #spinach, #superfoods, #vitamin, #Whole Grains, #YellowBellPeppers

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