Categories: GREENERYUrban Stories

Secrets of growing tasty and fresh tomatoes in pots

Here are the secrets of growing tomatoes in pots. Most people who live in an apartment or have a small yard do not have enough space to grow fruits and vegetables. A fairly common and very effective solution is to opt for growing them in pots. Whether you don’t have enough space in the yard or you have poor quality soil, opt for growing tomatoes in pots. Here’s what you need to know before choosing tomatoes to grow.

First of all, you need good seedlings and it is important to opt for a quality soil. Ideally, you should take the seedlings of tomatoes that you know and already know are tasty. You can go and buy tomatoes from the villages near you and then blush those people to sell your seedling.

Blue tomatoes, or anto-tomatoes in your garden – exotic and very healthy

You need a pot about 35 cm deep, and here you can grow both classic tomatoes and cherries. Put a thin layer of gravel on the bottom of the pot.

Soil: The soil should be plain black-chestnut. It is best to use garden soil, not flower soil. This soil should not have too much fertilizer, but no pests in it, so you need to check it.

Useful tip: When planting the seedling, it is best to fill the pot about three quarters, and as the plant grows add more soil.

Light: Tomatoes need a lot of natural light. If you place them on the balcony, keep in mind that you must keep the windows open for at least a few hours a day. This way, your tomatoes will have air circulation.

Helpful Hint: Don’t forget to harvest tomatoes when they are good for consumption. This will boost plant productivity.

Read Also : Biochar Beats Citrus Greening Disease And Improves Productivity,

No additional fertilization is needed, but during the vegetative cycle, we will have to flower the flowers. This means removing the shoots that will grow between the stem and the branch, but also removing the growth tip when the plant has developed three layers of fruit.

Tags: #cheese, #cucumber, #delicious, #dinner, #foodie, #foodphotography, #foodporn, #foodstagram, #getgreengetgrowing, #greenstories, #healthy, #healthyfood, #homemade, #instafood, #lunch, #onion, #pasta, #pizza, #salad, #tomato, #tomatoes, #vegan, #yummy, #gngagritech, food
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