Categories: FOODHealth

Boost your mood naturally: Foods that make you happy

Popularly known as the happy hormone, dopamine enhances feelings of well-being and pleasure. Although it has been widely acknowledged that indulging oneself or engaging in various activities can trigger a surge of dopamine, scientific findings reveal that certain food items can elicit a similar response!

Photo: Collected / matthew Feeney / Unsplash


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Everyone knows that the banana is a rich source of potassium. Science has now confirmed that eating bananas can give your brain a much-needed dopamine boost as well. Helping with mood regulation and motivation, this delicious fruit is packed with tyrosine, a precursor to dopamine, which has been confirmed by a study published in the Journal of Neural Transmission to increase dopamine levels in the body. So, the next time you feel a little down in the dumps, reach for a delicious, ripe banana for an instant surge of happiness.

Photo: Collected / Ben Kolde / Unsplash

Fish and eggs

Protein-rich foods such as fish and eggs are great for a dopamine flush. Health and lifestyle coach Nayma Hasan Diana encourages everyone to add protein-rich foods to their diet.

“It helps us build lean muscle and helps with better recovery. Based on research evidence, higher protein intake is associated with better cognitive performance, mood, and mental health and wellbeing,” said Diana.

Fish is additionally rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which play a massive role in its dopamine receptor function.


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Photo: Collected / Irene Kredenets / Unsplash


An absolute powerhouse of healthy fats, avocados significantly benefit gut bacteria. In addition to that, they are anti-inflammatory and help in controlling blood sugar levels. They also contain significant amounts of folate, or vitamin B9 which aids your brain to produce — you guessed it — dopamine!

A creamy, delicious alternative to mayonnaise, avocados are literally happiness on toast.

Photo: Collected / Tamas Pap / Unsplash

Dark chocolate

Another delicious treat that is also known for being rich in antioxidants, dark chocolate packs quite a bit of punch with its phenylethylamine content, a compound that can enhance moods and thereby increase dopamine levels in the brain.




“It can be a good pre-workout snack, as it helps boost energy levels,” mentions Diana. The delicacy is also full of flavonoids that help increase one’s overall sense of well-being. So, remember, the next time a piece of your favourite dark chocolate excites you, it’s not just the taste!

Photo: Collected / Maddi Bazzocco / Unsplash

Nuts and Seeds

A source of healthy fats and other essential nutrients, nuts and seeds are more than just delicious additions to your salads. By adding crunch to your dish, these also add a crunch to your mood, elevating it, one spoon at a time. Go for all kinds of edible seeds such as flax, pumpkin, and chia. Serving great taste and nutritional value, they are well packed with tyrosine, consequently making you a much happier person.


NOTE – This article was originally published in thedailystar and can be viewed here


Tags: #avocados, #bananas, #brain, #darkchocolate, #eggs, #fish, #fitness, #foods, #fruits, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #happyhormone, #health, #naturally, #nuts, #seeds

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