Immune System and its link with Eating Healthy and Organic Food

Human beings are in close relations with microorganism which are very common in the
surrounding environment. Our body’s immune system provides protection against the
damaging effects of NOx, oxides of nitrogen (especially as atmospheric pollutants)
which causes infection in our bodies. Communicable diseases like SARs, MERS, Covid-19 are responsible for nearly half of all deaths in the world and only thing which can
save us from communicate disease is our immune system. Immune system is a form of
protecting shield consisting of Thymus, Spleen, Lymph, Nodes and Immunity Cells.
There are many factors that affect immune system functioning in the body. One of them
is healthy food and nutrition which has a direct and close link with our immune system.
Good nutrition does not give energy only, rather it enhances resistance against
ailments occurring because of Viruses and Bacteria.

When it comes to fight viruses, boosting our immune system will always give an edge in
staying healthy. Green vegetables are the source of chemical signal that is important to
a fully functioning immune system. They do this by ensuring that immune cells in the gut
and skin as Intra epithelial lymphocytes (IEL). These protective cell (IEL) exists as a
network as a first line of defense and a wound repair. The number of IEL depends on
cell surface protein called Aryl hydrocarbon receptor AhR which are found in cruciferous
vegetables. These vegetables yield a compound that can be converted into a molecule
that triggers AhR.

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Staying active causes your body’s antibodies and white cells to circulate more rapidly,
which means they will detect and zero down on bugs more quickly. Being active lowers
stress harmonies and benefit in two ways. First in generating sweat for your protective
benefit and second it raises body’s temperature, which may help in killing germs.

Diet plays a vital role in maintaining your immune system. Eighty percent of your
immune system is in your gut. So, if it’s healthy, we are healthy. We must eat organic
and chemical free fruits, vegetables and whole grains in order to stay healthy with an
addition of fermented food.

Human body can produce antibodies directed against itself (autoimmune antibodies).
But a competent immune system weeds them out. However, a damaged immune
system may not be able to prevent their development or may even help in stimulating
them. Exposure to many pesticides produces significant change in immune system
structure and functioning including reduced and altered T cells population, reduced
lymphocyte proliferative response, reduced cell killing activity and altered antibody
levels in circulation.

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Pesticide exposure significantly reduces resistance to bacterial, viral and parasitic
infections. Evidence has accumulated that exposure to environmental chemicals can
produce immune dysfunction among all species. People exposed to pesticides are at
increased risk of contracting certain cancers known to associate with immune
suppression. Allergic reactions provide obvious evidence that pesticides have some
clinically observable effects on the human immune system.

Organic food is produced and prepared without the use of any chemical from pesticides
to fertilizers. There are innumerable benefits of organic food on human body and the
whole environment.

Read Also:

 Organic foods are free of chemicals that normally affects vitamin, minerals and
other antioxidants in food. Antioxidant content is much higher in organize food.

 When human consume non organic food products, they consume antibiotics in a
way, which affect the growth hormones and weaken immune system rendering
humans unable to defend against diseases.
 Part from nutrition, the mineral and sugar structures in organic foods are better,
because the crop take more time to grow and mature.
 Bio magnification are lessened in organic food, because chemical pesticides,
fertilizers, herbicides and artificial growth hormones are not used. Organic food is
free from contamination and health harming chemicals.
 Vitamins and minerals contents are always high as the chemical free soil offers
the most suitable mechanism for crops to access soil nutrients.
 Since harmful chemicals are not used in organic farming, there’s minimum Water,
Air and Soil pollution ensuring a safe environment.
 Organic crops have fifty percent lower level s of toxic metal cadmium.

Tags: #energy, #getgreengetgrowing, #greenstories, #greenvegetables, #health, #healthy, #immunesystem, #nutrition, #gngagritech
S K Agarwal

Sh. S K Agarwal is the Chairman of GNG Group of companies and is a environmentalist working with a vision of inclusive development.

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