“Coral reefs represent some of the world’s most spectacular beauty spots, but they are also the foundation of marine life: without them, many of the sea’s most exquisite species will not survive.”

-Sheherazade Goldsmith

Destruction of Coral Reefs – Needs to be stopped Immediately! 1


You have probably heard about coral reefs, and you might have seen pictures or even seen them in the flesh. Have you wondered what these beautiful reefs are made of? Corals are marine invertebrates that live in colonies called polyps. The corals that build reefs are called hard corals, which absorb Calcium carbonate from the seawater and create an exoskeleton to protect their soft, sac-like bodies. These corals always live in their own colonies and lie over the exoskeletons of their ancestors. When they die, they add their own exoskeleton to the collection. Over time, this creates a beautiful, reef-like structure, which is found in many areas around the world. The most famous of these coral reefs is The Great Barrier Reef in Australia which is more than 2400 Km long.

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Destruction of Coral Reefs – Needs to be stopped Immediately! 2


Corals come in many shapes and sizes ranging from the brain to tree-like structures that are also colored beautifully. You may be wondering how corals find food because they don’t move much. One species of corals have small tentacles outside their bodies and they catch small fish or plankton. Another variety of coral depends on an alga called zooxanthellae. These algae live inside the corals’ bodies and are dependent on each other. The algae photosynthesize and provide food and energy for the corals and themselves, while the corals give carbon dioxide and home to the algae.

Coral reefs are found in clear, shallow waters. Most of the marine life depends on these coral reefs for their food, shelter, and breeding. Coral reefs are often called the ‘rainforests of the sea’ because of the vast biodiversity found there. Many different aquatic species call these reefs their homes.

Destruction of Coral Reefs – Needs to be stopped Immediately! 3


Not only do these reefs provide beauty to the sea, or homes for the aquatic life, but they also do way more help for the planet and the people than we give them credit for. Most of the human population are fishermen, or they earn their livelihood from marine tourism. Corals play an important role in the tourist department of any place.

They also act as a barrier to the shores from hurricanes, and some of these corals may be able to provide drugs to treat cancer and other diseases.

I am sure that we can all agree on the importance of corals to us. But these reefs, which took thousands of years to reach their current state, are going to disappear within 40-60 years.

One of the main reasons for the destruction of coral reefs is pollution. Run-offs from agricultural land containing fertilizers and pesticides, wastewater from industries, and plastic wastes that people casually throw into the water adversely affect these reefs. When these industrial and agricultural run-offs enter the sea, the nutrient level is increased, which causes the algae and other organisms to grow rapidly, suffocating the corals.

Read Also  : Conservation of biodiversity is like an insurance policy for the future of mankind

When the temperature of the seawater rises due to global warming, these corals are bleached, which means that the algae (zooxanthellae) leave their hosts. When the corals’ main source of food is gone, they eventually die.

Destruction of Coral Reefs – Needs to be stopped Immediately! 4


Oil spills play a huge role in destroying corals. We may think that the oil floats on the surface of the water, so how can it affect the corals which don’t move at all? When corals are spawning, the eggs and sperm float to the surface before they can fertilize and settle. This interferes with the reproductive process of the corals.

In many areas, jewelers collect corals to make attractive jewelry. Sometimes, untrained divers carelessly destroy corals by stepping on them while attempting to collect other corals. These corals are very fragile and care must be given while collecting them. Some forms of destructive fishing can also harm the corals because the algae present in them will flee to safer locations or hosts.

Like humans, corals can also get diseases. The most dangerous diseases a coral can have are the black band and the white band disease. In black band disease, a black band of bacteria, called Phormidium corallyticum moves around the coral destroying all live tissue, leaving behind only a white exoskeleton. This disease can wipe out almost all the live corals found in that particular reef. In white band disease, the tissue of some corals peel off from the body, leaving behind a white exoskeleton. White band disease may be due to the overgrowth of algae on the corals.

Destruction of Coral Reefs – Needs to be stopped Immediately! 5


With the destruction of these underwater rainforests, the rich biodiversity held within them is also affected. The aquatic animals will try to look for safer and better sanctuary, leaving behind the dying reefs. Eventually, tourism in these areas is going to suffer. There won’t be a barrier reef to protect us against hurricanes and tsunamis either.

We must do our best to protect these beautiful coral reefs from going extinct. Over exploiting of these reefs should be banned. The destructive fishing methods near or around these reefs must be stopped as well. Industrial and agricultural run-offs near coral reefs must be stopped as well.

Read Also  : Understanding species adaptation to disturbances: an opportunity to survive the current biodiversity crisis?

Another thing we can do is educate the people. Teach the locals the importance of the coral reefs, and make sure that careless, untrained divers don’t try to go and collect corals. Awareness should also be given to tourists, along with instructions on not polluting the water, and not disturbing the corals when they want to try out scuba diving.

Destruction of Coral Reefs – Needs to be stopped Immediately! 6


Coral reefs are one of the most beautiful naturally occurring phenomenons. If our ignorance continues, it is certain that they will eventually die out. These natural protectors are important for our survival even though their function is small. Let us hope that we do enough on time to protect these reefs.

“Why is it that scuba divers and surfers are some of the strongest advocates of underwater conservation? Because they’ve spent time in and around the ocean, and they’ve personally seen the beauty, the fragility, and even the degradation of our planet’s blue heart.”

-Sylvia Earle

-Sharon Ajith                                                                                                                                              -14/05/2021

Tags: #allmymoneygoestocoral, #animals, #aquarium, #coral, #coralreef, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #rainforests, #reefaquarium, #reefporn, #reefs, #reeftank, #saltwateraquarium, #saltwatertank