Earth Hour: 10 everyday things you can do for the environment 1
Earth Hour: 10 everyday things you can do for the environment 2

Earth Hour: Mysteriously, some of the most enlightened among urbanites keep their air-conditioner switched on all through the year, including in winters. Earth Hour is yet another way to remind us that we are all individually accountable for our often thoughtless actions. Here are 10 ways we can simplify our lives and preserve our habitat. Every move counts.

Earth Hour, one of the largest conservation and environmental awareness campaigns in the world, will be observed on March 25 between 8.30 to 9.30 pm. This campaign focuses on energy conservation to reduce global warming and climate change.


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This event is organised by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) on the last Saturday of March to mobilise the masses to ‘Give an Hour for Earth.’

The message for this year’s Earth Hour is: “Switch off your lights and spend 60 minutes doing something positive for our planet!”

Here are some things you can do for the environment:

1.Speak up for climate and Nature

Speak up for the climate with your friends and family to make positive changes and to the people in power to deliver the best-promised world.

2. Be aware

Educate yourself first about the challenges of climate change and how to cut down your carbon footprint. In order to spread awareness among your friends, family, people whom you want to influence and the leaders, you have to be equipped with all the facts and recent information about global warming and other related issues.


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3. Travel sustainably

You can choose a more sustainable way to travel wherever you can. For instance, walk, use a bicycle, or avail of public transport instead of driving your vehicle to reduce your carbon footprint.

4. Eat responsibly 

Animal farming for meat and dairy products needs a lot of space, water and feed — this increases pressure on the environment. So choosing a plant-based diet can lower the environmental impact.

5. Lower your waste

Every item we purchase has an environmental footprint and could end up in a dumping ground — so reuse or recycle to reduce the need for new material.

6. Check what you buy 

Lead a less consumerist lifestyle and buy eco-friendly products. Every little step counts in restoring our damaged environment.

7. Be politically aware

Being politically aware is not just about voting — but also making your leaders accountable for the environment. Wherever possible, try to reach out and push your leaders to bring policy changes for sustainability.

8. Plant a tree

This oldest of moves still helps. There is nothing like planting a tree, but choose a proper spot and a suitable plant, especially if you are thinking of planting it on the roadside or a place with an already depleted water table.


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9. Volunteer for a healthy environment

You can volunteer in the local nature parks, which will give you some experience in conservation and also help in restoring the locality’s environment.

10. Switch off

Switch off all electric points when you leave your home or office as it will help in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And of course, try and use the AC only when it is needed.

NOTE – This article was originally published in cnbctv18 and can be viewed here

Tags: #carbonfootprint, #climate, #climatechange, #climatecrisis, #earth, #environment, #getgreengetgrowing, #globalwarming, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #nature, #plant, #tress, #waste, #world, #wwf