

“We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers. We have borrowed it from our children”, said Mr. Lester Brown. Today, Air, Water, Soil, Trees, and Rivers, are being consumed or polluted by the human, as if there’s no tomorrow.

For the first time in history, we see a transcending concern among the people, for the survival of not just humanity, but that of the planet, which is ailing. We have begun to take a holistic view of the very basis of our existence.

Fortunately, the emerging concern and the new world vision, has ushered in the “ERA of RESPONSIBILITY”. It is a holistic view, an ecological view, seeing the world as an integrated whole, rather than a dissociated collection of parts on this issue.


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Mahatma Gandhi once said that “the earth has enough to complete our needs, but not our greed”. And today, because of our callous attitude and selfishness, the planet earth is ailing severally.

Man has taken all these valuable gifts of nature for granted. He has been exploiting all the natural resources blindly, and in excess in the name of development.

What we need to understand is “Earth itself is a living organism, an enormous being of which we are integral parts. It has its own metabolic needs and vital processes”. The earth’s vital signs have started revealing it to be patient in declining health.

We need to realize it to be our responsibility, rather the obligation to be responsible trustees of the legacy to future generations.


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The fact is that Forests precede mankind, and the deserts followed. We have been losing the precious forest at the speed of an acre a second as per the report by the World Resource Institute.

The tropical forests have been the powerhouse of evolution on this earth. Several species of life in the chain of evolution have been facing the fear of extinction as a result of its destruction.

Most of us are not aware that light pollution is now among the most chronic environmental perturbation on earth. Lack of darkness has been affecting animals, whose biology depends on circadian rhythms including us.

As per a survey, the majority of us, can’t see the Milky Way in the sky. We lose a part of ourselves when we lose access to the night sky.


Salt marshes store millions of tons of carbon. Crabs, clams, and shrimp create holes in the soil, that expose carbon-releasing organic matter. It is more prevalent in Brazil, Tanzania, and China.

The poisonous chemicals and gases (carbon dioxide and industrial gases) are the real enemies of the human race.

Further warmer temperatures trigger the augmentation of earlier springs, to spur plants to release more pollen over a longer season to irritate the nose, throat, and eyes, causing allergic illnesses like asthma and other diseases.

Earth, the only thing we have in common is ailing! 1

For more than a hundred years, human beings have been excavating mountains and building roads for faster transportation. When the forest and mountains are destroyed, natural waterways are disrupted causing unprecedented floods.

In today’s modern world, there’s a complete focus on the mass production of food for daily consumption. Globally, we waste a third of all food produced for human consumption.

A study conducted by the UN warns that the environment is at a critical stage in 88 countries. On top of the evils is population growth. Every four days, the world population increases by one million people.

The staggering metropolis, high-rise edifices, auto vehicles, and electric contraptions of modern society demand an enormous sum of natural resources.


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“Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes, and ailing environment”? Said, L. K. Jha.  In the zoo at Lusaka, there’s a cage, where the notice reads “The world’s most dangerous animal”.

Inside the cage, there’s no animal, but a large-sized mirror, where you can see yourself. A new awareness is required to be dawned upon the most dangerous animal to save this ailing planet.

He needs to realize the wisdom of shifting from a system, based on domination, to one based on partnership. Man himself can make or mar his destiny. He can save the human race or can destroy all forms of life.

The forests are disappearing, the deserts are expanding, and the earth is gradually becoming inhabitable.


Now our earth needs medicine for its ailment. Everyone has to participate in it, especially the youth can take the initiative and the responsibility of doing it.

All of us need to shift in, awareness of our own unconscious individual choices, which will reflect in our decisions and actions. Let’s use 4Rs, which are REDUCE, RECYCLE, REUSE, and RECOVER.

Industry can play a crucial role in keeping our AIR, WATER, and SOIL clean. It’s our only passport for the future. As Margaret Thatcher said, “No generation has a freehold on earth. We have got only life tenancy”.


We need innovation in architectural design that builds using the natural pattern of stability and structural integrity. While installing internal systems, we must try to regulate the internal climate much like the body regulate its internal organs.

Sustainable development is the only way to save the planet earth. It means that the development must not be accepted at the cost of the environment. We need to understand that the resources of the earth are precious and limited.

We should use them with restraint so that they must be available for future generations too. Each one of us must come forward to save our ailing planet and should work as medicine for its ailment. Because ” ONLY THE EARTH IS, WHAT WE HAVE IN COMMON “.

Tags: #art, #beautiful, #earth, #environment, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #instagood, #instagram, #landscape, #life, #love, #nature, #naturephotography, #photography, #photooftheday, #sky, #travel, #world