Get Rid Of Aphid

Have you ever seen those little green bug on your bean plant. If you seen, then it might be aphid attack on it.

Here are the some tip to identify aphid and how to get rid off from aphid in vegetables.

What Are Aphids:

Aphids have small and soft-bodied and it can survive in any zone.

This insect multiply very quickly. So it very important to control aphid before reproduction starts.

Many generation of that insect occurs in one season.

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How to Get Rid Of Aphid from Beans 1
Photo Credit: Pixabay

Aphids are tiny insect and that are nearly invisible to naked eye. The adult aphid are under ¼-inch.

There are various species of aphid insect, which can be appear gray, yellow, light green, brown, black and white.

And also some aphid can found in pink color.

They have long antenna with pear-shape bodies. And some aphids have waxy or woolly coatings.

Nymphs of aphids look similar to adult insect.

Aphid adult are usaully wingless, but some spieces of insect having wings.

And that happens when insect population are crowded.


Aphid insect attack on many crops, like mustard, beans, betel leaf and cabbage.

Aphid suck juice from leaves and damages the leaves.

Due to that damages plant grow slowly.

Aphid insect also transfer virus diseases.

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How To Manage Aphids:

1. Visit your crop daily to monitor attack of aphid, and look for presence of aphid.

2. Kill the aphid by pressing them with you finger, and for that you have to walk through the rows and look for the aphid.

3. You can use sprinkler to sprinkle cool ash which stick to the leaves, it happen in early morning because that time you observe dew present on the plant. 

4. You can use wood ash or rice ash of the strwas or husks.

5. Don’t use Banana leavea, Bamboo leaves or ash of mustard, because that can burn vegetable plant.

Soap Spray:

You can also use soap spray to kill the aphid.

To make spray of soap then rub a bar of soap in a tube of water until it bubbles.

Soap spray can work for 3 days to kill aphids.

Neem Solution:

Make neem solution to aphid on vegetables.

To make spray of neem, take 2 kilograms of grinded neem leaves and then mix them with 16 liters of waters.

After that filter the solution. Now start spray once a day for 3 days.

It can helpful to control aphids on field.

Attractive Crops:

To attrack lady bird beetles to control the aphid insect then plant sesame and mustard crop around main field to control aphid insect.

Tags: #aphid, #aphids, #bug, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #insect, #insecta, #insectphotography, #insects, #insectsofinstagram, #ladybird, #ladybug, #macro, #macrophotography, #nature, #naturephotography, #perfection, #rosegarden, #wildlife