Killer Whales Spotted Near Maharashtra and Karnataka Coasts! What’s Causing These Unusual Visits? 1

India’s western coastline witnessed a remarkable event recently: a pair of orcas in waters stretching from Nivti in Maharashtra to Malpe in Karnataka. This unexpected encounter has not only stunned local communities and netizens, but also ignited a new mission for Indian scientists to delve deeper into the mysteries of marine life in their own backyard.

Let’s unpack why this spotting is unusual and what it could mean.

Orcas, also known as killer whales, are slightly more violent relatives of the dolphins. Known for causing a lot of mischief, these unique mammals are most abundant in colder regions like the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica, the North Atlantic around Norway and Iceland, and the northern Pacific around Alaska.


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These frigid areas offer plentiful prey, particularly marine mammals and fish, suited to orcas’ diverse hunting strategies. And this is possibly why many were surprised to see them in the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean.

However, while less common, orcas are also found in temperate and even tropical waters, including parts of the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Pacific near California and Mexico. They may be present seasonally in these areas, following migrating prey or adapting their diet to local resources.

Of late, there have been multiple sightings of these enigmatic creatures not just near the west coast but also along the eastern coast of India. In fact, in October 2023, a pair of anglers (those who fish as a hobby) from Goa’s Calangute reportedly spotted an adult and baby orca near Grande Island.

So, why are killer whales becoming an increasingly common sight along the Indian coasts?

An orca. (Karlyn Langjahr/NOAA)
An orca.

(Karlyn Langjahr/NOAA)

Orcas are opportunistic feeders and their diet varies depending on location and season. It’s not unlike them to follow prey like tuna, sharks, or dolphins that migrate through Indian waters. Another possibility could be that changes in ocean currents due to climate change could be influencing orca migration patterns, bringing them closer to Indian coasts.


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Some also believe that orcas stopped frequenting Indian waters in the past due to whaling and are only just making a comeback now. However, these are merely possibilities. Historically, orca sightings in India might have been underreported due to a lack of awareness or proper documentation.

Orcas are truly cosmopolitan creatures, found in a diverse range of habitats across the globe. Their adaptability and changing migratory patterns highlight the need for ongoing research and conservation efforts to ensure their continued existence in all corners of our oceans.

Studying confirmed sightings and strandings helps map out the current distribution of orcas across the globe. Citizen science initiatives and advanced tracking technologies play a crucial role in this process.

Meanwhile, the reactions to the killer whale sighting news on social media highlight the public’s fascination with these creatures. From light-hearted jokes about orcas seeking out the famed Udupi fish to awe-struck declarations of their royal presence, the conversations reflect a growing appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.


NOTE – This article was originally published in weather and can be viewed here

Tags: #climate, #dolphins, #environment, #fish, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #killerwhales, #marine, #MediterraneanSea, #nature, #ocean, #water, #whales