Only Humans Can Stop Themselves From Becoming Robots and Monsters 1

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On 15th August of this year (2021), the Taliban militia took complete control of Afghanistan. After that, we are seeing a lot of disturbance and violence in that country by the Talibani on the Afghan women and other citizens. Today there’s a question, which comes into everyone’s mind, why there’s so much violence on human by the human? Why we have become so insensitive and ruthless that we don’t think even for a moment while shedding the blood of innocents. Whether there’s some component of the basic instinct in humans, as a social animal,  is left or not? 



 We know that the ancient world was a very different place from our own modern industrialized and civilized societies. After the invention of farming (about 12000 years ago), the world gradually became a safer and liveable place. Life too had started becoming convenient and comfortable with time. In the last two centuries, humanity has made miraculous developments in science and technology. He has developed facilities to save himself from extreme weather conditions. In addition to all this, human has almost taken control over the natural calamities. But on the other side of it, with the increase of violence and terror activities across the world, can we call ourselves human and this modern society as a civilized society? How and why humanity has evolved the way which no civilized society can accept in its present form. 

Everyone wants to understand, who we are, where we have come from, and how we have evolved that makes us human. There are four methods by which various communities of the human race can be divided. It is based on the avenue of resources like food, water, and shelter for their existence and survival. Each of these four leads to the evolvement of its peculiar system of, social organization, customs, mannerism, culture, body structure, habits, language, a form of social governance, and characteristic type of life. 

First of them is those who adopted the hunting of wild animals in the state of nature. Second is those, who adopted rearing tame animals in pastures. Third comes in the category of those who went by gathering fruits and vegetables, which grew naturally and without human intervention. And in the last were those who adopted the method of rearing fruits, grains, and vegetables by tillage in cultivated grounds. In the first two methods, man subsists majorly on animal food, and for the latter two on vegetable food. The obvious division has its own Genesis depending on the climatic conditions in different parts of the earth. Let’s try to understand it. 


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If we look at the earth, it has different climatic zones. When we go north from the temperate region towards the poles, human is found to be dependent on more on animal food. The reason is that, in the Arctic region, scarcely any vegetable grows that are fit for human food. But animal whose flesh is nutritious and adapted to human use is available in abundance. As we go towards south from the temperate region towards the equator, human is dependent more and more on vegetable food. Within tropical regions, majorly those animals life that are not fit for human food. Whereas, fruits, roots, and other vegetables which are nutritious and adaptable for human use, are available in abundance. The tribal that inhabit Greenland and Kamtschatka can not preserve their accustomed health and vigor on any food other than animal food. If put on a vegetable diet, they will soon begin to pine away. 

In the temperate regions, the production of the above-mentioned extremes is mingled. Here many animals whose flesh is fit for human food, live and thrive. Side by side here grows a vast variety of nutritious fruits, roots, and seeds. In this climate, a human can live on vegetable food or animal food, or both. Nature has created a meticulous adjustment by laying ideal conditions for producing food in both the forms, animal as well as vegetable. Nature has worked overtime to make available abundant food in different forms and different parts and regions of the earth for the survival of human beings. Because, to confine humans absolutely to animal or vegetable food, would be to depopulate a large part of the earth. It’s a perfect system. 

Depending on the availability of animals and vegetable food in different latitudes of the earth, a human living in a savage state became hunters. While those living near the equator and dependent on vegetable food grew differently. Taking the first step towards civilization, humans started training the animals and also rearing them in flocks and herds. Secondly, they started saving the seeds of food-producing plants. These half civilized tribes of the tropical, region adapted to the conditions, whereas those in the Arctic region domesticated animals to cater to their food requirements. 

So, Asia has been inhabited by tribes that have taken this one step in the advance, towards civilization. But, unfortunately since then, the growth in this region got stagnated. In the process of time, tribes banded together and became larger. With time, some towns and cities were built. These places were used for the manufacturing agricultural equipment and arms or as the resting place for the caravans of merchants. This is how trade spread in the whole of Asia from the Mediterranean Sea to the Pacific Ocean and has continued with very little change from that early period till the time some sixty years back from now. Now things have started changing in this part of the world. The rest of the world has developed itself differently. Western countries had made astronomical progress, where science and technology provide an edge over other countries.  


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We are evolving in at least two different ways. The first is biological. Humanity has changed its environment in the last 10000 plus years by creating big and complex societies. This has changed the effective pressure on our genes. Now we are evolving into a different kind of animal and in some cases a beast. The second kind of evolution is cultural. The cultures which we have created are also the result of the changing environment. The group that develops in ways that fit with the evolving environment will flourish, rest will perish. In this 21st century, we have been seeing a third kind of evolution. We are now not only blurring the boundaries between humans and technology, rather the rest of the factors affecting natural evolution have lost their relevance. We need to introspect and act. Are we not evolving to become completely insensitive to the cause of humanity? It is only we, who can decide and act, how to arrest humanity from becoming ROBOTS AND MONSTERS. 

Tags: #Afghanistan, #animals, #earth, #food, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #humans, #monsters, #robots, #vegetable