About this project

Organic food Kenya is teaching the community members to become SMART FISHERMEN/WOMEN, fishing themselves and their families out of poverty, lack of food, minimal or no illness permanently, instead of giving them fish for a day.

So far we have started training both theory and practical experiences on compost making, correct planting, rural enterprises like soap making, cake baking and how best the community can conserve their vegetables during rainy season to use them during drought season.

Community members come to learn then they go and implement back the learned skills back in their homes and villages.

We also produce Moringa plants and Roselle plants at our farm and sell to the community members at subsidized rate they can afford. Our aim is to see them lead a healthy life. Many people in our community are Positive with HIV/AIDS. Moringa and Roselle have medicinal benefits like boosting their immunity system. We felt is very important to produce these plants locally.

The importance of Organic Permaculture education in communities is measured not just in the creation of clean food but in the creation of community. People naturally gather around water and food and it is the base of all civilizations and a clear path to the future is created in the process.

When communities are provided with opportunities to work together creating food and water security it offers so much more because of the healing power that comes for feeding ourselves and our families. The practice also removes many fears of the future and of course clean water is key to all of this. The truth is that when there is clean water there is life and when that source is contaminated the project itself becomes impossible.

Organic Food Kenya is an inclusive project supporting equality. We know that everyone is needed; all community members are included regardless of sex, age, race and status. The most marginalized groups of people like the orphans, people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAS) and the old are all catered for in this project.

Our volunteers, both locally and internationally work tirelessly planting our small fields, fighting deforestation, planting sweet potatoes, kales, local vegetables and doing trainings.

We are always updating our supporters with pictures of every step we make.

Read Also : 12 Worst Foods to Avoid With Diabetes To Prevent High Blood Sugar and Weight Gain,

Permaculture teaches how to learn from nature to build resilient systems that are more than sustainable; they regenerate degraded lands and also help build community. These are exactly the kinds of help we need in Africa now and our aim is to create a beacon of hope, inspiration and learning for our brothers and sisters in Kenya and around the world.

Use of Proceeds

Our chickens are doing great, right now we have about 400 in number and we want to keep them for eggs. Meggie, our dairy goat is doing well, she is expecting and soon we will have a baby goat and more milk.

We are also planting more vegetables now and so far we have planted over 2300 plants of kales, 600 plants of local vegetables. We have started Mushroom projects too and so far we are almost done with the structure where we are going to grow them. Our small food forest is doing well , our mangoes and oranges have started flowering.

We are expanding our farm and we kindly need your help. We have got a piece of land near a town on a very strategic point and the owner is willing to sell it to us at $5000 and so far through a friends help we have been able to raise $4000 ($2500 from our friend who volunteered with us here and $1500 from our farm sales)

We need $2500 more to help top up the cost of the land and pay for the legal charges for title deed. Our county government through partnership project has also donated to us a machine for feed formulation for the animals (chicken, cows, goats etc) and this machine needs a good space and electricity so the advantage we will have on this piece of land, it is near a electricity power and next to the road for easier access ability.

We would want to make feeds for chicken and sell to the many communities who are doing poultry projects here. It is a good venture since no company or groups doing this the right way I mean Organically in the whole oyugis town and its environs.

It is a good opportunity for us to make good income and become more self reliant. We will also want to build some rental houses on this part of land to host more volunteers to bring more income for the Project for sustainability.

Tags: #a, #agricultura, #agriculture, #agro, #agronomia, #animals, #campo, #country, #countrylife, #cow, #farm, #farmer, #farmers, #farming, #farmlife, #fazenda, #fendt, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #horse, #johndeere, #love, #nature, #organic, #photography, #rural, #Tractor