World a Reality or an Illusion

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Sometimes, we develop a rare feeling of stillness. But it is always followed by restlessness to clearly understand what’s the reality of life? We are always in the hunt to understand the reality in life. But the reality is stranger than we think. As per scientists, “Reality is everything is energy, and energy is everything”.

Everything we think is real, is only the information that the brain receives and translates into a picture, called REALITY. What’s real? How do we define real? “If you are thinking about what you can feel, you can touch, you can taste and see than real is simply electric signal interpreted by your brain”. Morpheus in Matrix.


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“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that ain’t so”. Mark Twain. Nowadays, we hear and read about fake news, alternative facts, conflicting views, and conspiring theories in more than abundance. We generally are always in a dilemma as to believe that or not.

Again, a regular search for the truth and the reality. “Nothing is so conducive to spiritual growth, as this capacity to logical and accurate analysis of everything that happens to us”. It’s also true that there are very few certainties in life.

When we seek to understand this world in which we live, we are primarily talking about finding RELATIVE TRUTHS versus ABSOLUTE TRUTH.


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As per the recent scientific theories, the entire universe is a pure and abstract information center. Everything that exists, contains the information of everything else that exists. The information of the entire universe is contained holographically and energetically in DNA or every single cell or atom. From a Quantum Physics perspective, an OBJECTIVE REALITY might not exist.

What we call physical objects, are subjective realities created by the observer. Nothing is real, until, it is perceived, or observed or measured, or scaled. Observation is nothing more than the action of the conscious mind.

Our universe possesses a unique internal order, one that can’t be understood through observations and reasons. Reality can never be compatible with the philosophy and modern science. It is based on an approach, that we call model-dependent REALISM.

It is again based on the idea that our brain interprets the input from our sensory organs by making a model of the world. When such a model is successful at explaining events, we tend to attribute to it and try to the elements and concepts that constitute it to the quality of reality or absolute truth.

“We make models in science. But we make them in everyday life also. Model-dependent realism applies not only to scientific models only. It also applies to conscious and subconscious mental models that we create to interpret, understand, and prove every day in the world.

There’s no way to remove the observer (which is us) from our perception of this world. Again this world is created through our sensory processing and through the way we think and reason. Our perception and hence the observations upon which our theories are based is not direct.

It is shaped by a kind of lens or you can call a mechanism, the interpretive structure of our human brain only”. Stephen Hawking. So the world we are perceiving is the reflection of our observations and perceptions only.

The story of our recent technological development has been one of ever-increasing computational power. In the future, we are unlikely to be content with constructing circumscribed game world.

We will certainly begin to simulate everything, including the evolutionary history that led to where we are to where it is going to end up. We have moved away from a shared sense of reality. Now all of us, have our reality, with our individual space, with our facts, and with our own stories.


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But above all these realities and interpretations, life is a constant struggle and fight against anything and everything that dithers the pace of our movement, for there will always be something to be chased. And to follow them and turn them into reality, a big leap, a big step, or perhaps an extra effort or race might be necessitated. The battle between targets achieved and things left to be accomplished weaves a cobweb, where the journey of life never seems to cease to end.

And then suddenly, out of nowhere, the sight of white snow-clad mountains or a line of beautiful Amaltas trees with glooming yellow standings, on both the side of the road, make you STOP, STARE and encourage you to ENJOY life. That’s the only and the ultimate reality of life.

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