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In this blog I am sharing how to prepare compost with kitchen waste.Every living thing need nutrition for their growth. We are human and we take like fruit, milk etc for our better and healthy grow then what about plant. ( Prepare Compost 8 Home)

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So in the market there are so many nutrition are available but they chemical rich and fruit from using these type of chemical are not good for our health. So here today we prepare nutrition at home with kitchen waste called compost.

Another benefit to prepare compost is that in the city citizen generate nearly 600 grams of waste per person per day  which is nearly 200 kg in a year.Suppose in a family there are 4 member and they can reduce their waste from 1000 kg to 100 kg per year. Can you imagine 90 % of all the garbage in your city vanishing overnight and clean your city and green your city. Lets start to preparing compost

What is Compost?

Composting is natural and simply process of recycling means process of breaking down the organic waste (convert organic waste into rich soil ) in the presence of air and water. Composting done by millions of microbes(bacteria and fungi) that digest the organic waste and turn into compost                                               

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We know that the process of composting is completed by millions of microbes (bacteria, fungi) that digest the kitchen waste and turn into compost. These composting microorganisms, require the correct proportion of Carbon  and Nitrogen for it to do its work. Effective composting can be made with equal parts GREENS and BROWNS. Now let us move to what is GREENS and BROWNS?

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Green matter contains High nitrogen
 So for Green matter we are using Coffee grounds,Vegetable and fruit peels and scraps (except citrus fruits),Tea bags,Egg shells (has to be crushed before adding),Flowers.

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Brown matter contains High carbonSo for Brown matter we are using Wood ash, Saw dust and Small wood chips, Dry leaves, Straw or hay.Please Leave the below listed item it cause bad smell.Cooked food, pet waste, meat,bones,plastic bag, medicine etc.What you need to prepare Compost.1.Organic waste (Kitchen waste,Paper,Leaves etc.)2.Container in which you want to prepare compost.

Process of CompostingTake a container which have same hole for pass the air ,put some paper at the bottom of the container .After putting paper in the bottom of the container put dry leave  up to 4 inch layer and after that put your kitchen waste every day or when you collect them. After every fill up of kitchen waste please cover the waste with dry leave about 3 inch One thing you care that you put an approx. equal amount of green and brown material which told you above. Add a little buttermilk or semi composted material or even a little cow dung to start off the decomposition process. Keep it covered to prevent smell and to keep off insects. You can use any old wooden board or anything to cover it.
Mix the pile once or twice a week for aeration. If you find the pile dry, sprinkle some water and mix it well. If it is soggy, add more dry leaves or saw dust and give a good mix. Make sure the pile is damp. It should not be too dry nor too wet. Keep adding a mixture of green and browns everyday until the container is full.It will take 50-60 days to fully compost depending on the temperature.After 50-60 days it is ready to use and you can check by that its colour become solid brown and it looks like soil and give a soil smell.look like image below shown.

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