Renewable energy” refers to the energy extracted from naturally replenishing sources.The sources of renewable energy includes wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy, ocean, and geothermal energy.


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What is a Renewable energy Source?

A renewable energy source refers to the energy source which can be called   sustainable – energy sources which can’t run out, and is eternal just like the sun. When people say the term ‘alternative energy’ they are usually referring to the renewable source of energy. It means the sources of energy which act as an alternative to the widely used non renewable sources of energy- like coal.


What is Zero-Carbon Energy?

Nuclear-generated electricity does not mean it is renewable but it can be termed as a zero carbon source of energy. Therefore, Nuclear-generated electricity emits almost zero or no amount of CO2, resembling the renewable energy resources.

Nuclear energy is believed to have a stable energy source. These sources of energy are not dependent on any of the natural factors such as weather.


The Most Common Renewable Energy resources Are As Follows:

  1. Solar energy
  2. Wind energy
  3. Hydro energy
  4. Tidal energy
  5. Geothermal energy
  6. Biomass energy

Renewable Energy- The Light of Our Better Future 1

One of the major pros of renewable  energy is that these areas are functionally endless. With the technology to manifest these energy sources,  there is a limitless supply of solar energy, tidal energy, hydro, geothermal, biomass, and wind energy meaning therefore are  capable  of rendering fossil fuels completely obsolete.


Also, Renewable energy has  numerous benefits including the planet and the people. Renewable energy can reduce  global warming and improve public health and can contribute ot  job creation.

Therefore, The need for cleaner and resilient sources have been growing with the rise in disruptive events due to renewable resources.

And the good news is! Cleaner fuels and renewable sources of energy are currently undergoing a Clean Energy Revolution.  Therefore, The renewable sector is evolving and expanding at a surging rate.




The Potential Of the Renewable Energy Sources:

According to the reports of the World Economic Forum (WEF) the extensive body of research suggests that the landscape supported by sustainable global energy is possible by 2050.

However this is only possible if constant efforts are made by the policymakers, business men and all of the other organizations.

If implemented the results of these will be profound, preventing climate change and reducing the frequent occurrence of the natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis , earthquakes, etc.

Also, deaths of seven million people from air pollution can be minimized and prevented.


Resolution about Renewable Energy:


Home to the earth’s biggest and the most competitive market for renewable energy, India has hailed and is coming out as the model for the renewable energy generation for the world. Aiming for Renewable Resource Revolution: India is ambitious about achieving the renewable power target of 450 gigawatt (GW) for the next ten years.

Not only India but other developing countries like the Global South, and the regions of Africa, Asia, and Oceania are also contributing and making considerable investment in renewable energy resources.

Australia’s largest city, Sydney, is completely run by wind and solar energy. The shift is capable of saving in the neighborhood of 20,000 tons of CO2.


Apart from developing countries Europe is  also using Wind power and is expected to be the EU’s largest power source as early as 2027.

Europe’s focus on wind towers in wood is also generating more climate friendly electricity reducing the severeness of the climate crisis in the region.

Floating wind farms are also playing an important  role for the generation of renewable energy and its revolution. Leading the way is Peterhead Scotland and  is the world’s first floating wind farm. The farm is capable of featuring first-of-their-kind wind turbines.


The Impact Of COVID-19:

According to the  International Energy Agency (IEA)’s Global Energy Review 2020, the novel coronavirus is having a profound impact on the world.

Researchers also suggest that renewable sources are proven to be far more reliable and resilient backed by lockdown measures. Moreover, renewable sources and electricity have witnessed a surge in demand. Although there are supply chain disturbances, renewable sources of energy are expected to rise and grow.


Read Also : Scotland generating enough wind energy to power two Scotlands



It isn’t easy  to say that it will all be a smooth sailing ride for the renewable energy industry.

Although, the eco-friendly activism has been growing combined with federal attention there has been a surge in renewable energy dependency. There is  also hindered growth of oil and gas pipelines.

But if we look at the negative aspects  the wind and solar power industries are also being affected by rising government and legal barriers relating to the building of power lines

Unfortunately, if renewable energy sources will not  reach certain regions because of the lack of power lines, those areas will be forced to carry on with use of  non-renewables like gas and coal.

Yes, the world is up against its fair share of hardships at the moment. Efforts and research on renewable energy sources around the globe, mixed with a commemorative commitment to building on momentum, which will act as a beacon of hope in difficult times.

Renewable Energy- The Light of Our Better Future 2

Tags: #cleanenergy, #climatechange, #energy, #environment, #getgreengetgrowing, #gngagritech, #gogreen, #gosolar, #greenenergy, #greenstories, #renewable, #renewableenergy, #renewables, #solar, #solarenergy, #solarpanel, #solarpanels, #solarpower, #sustainability