Turmeric Ginger Shots For Weight Loss: 7 Ways This Ayurvedic Empty Stomach Drink Helps In Shedding Kilos 1

Trying to lose weight but not able to? Try to add this one weight loss drink to your morning diet routine to shed kilos in weeks.

Ayurvedic Weight Loss Drink: Are you on your weight loss journey? You must be aware of the many empty stomach drinks that you can consume the first thing in the morning to help your body regain its metabolism rate, and lose weight faster. One of these Ayurvedic concoctions is haldi and adrak juice. Yes, that’s what we call it in India – an empty-stomach drink made with turmeric and ginger. This healthy morning shot comes packed with tons of health benefits and is a great addition to those trying to lose weight. As an Ayurvedic morning drink on an empty stomach, it’s said to impact your body in numerous positive ways. In this article, we take a close look at some of the amazing benefits of starting your day with a glass of ginger and turmeric shot, especially when you are trying to shed kilos, naturally.


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Turmeric Ginger Weight Loss Drink

Before you add this amazing fat-cutting drink to your morning routine, here is what it can do inside your body that can cause you healthily lose weight. However, make sure to consult your dietician before making any such changes to your diet. This will also help you understand how much of this drink is needed for your body. Remember, each body is different and works differently. Therefore, taking proper care is important when switching to a new diet regime.

Boosts Metabolism Naturally

Wondering how this drink helps in losing weight? Well, the magic lies in the shot’s ability to boost your body’s metabolism. Curcumin-rich turmeric, aka haldi, enhances the body’s metabolic speed, while Ginger plays its part in the digestion and nutrient absorption process, both kickstarting your metabolism.

Keeps Your Hunger Under Control

One of the most dangerous contributing factors to weight gain is your hunger. Not that eating is bad, or wrong, but overeating, or eating too much junk food is bad for the body. Turmeric ginger shots have the magical power to kick those sudden hunger pangs to the curb. By taking care of your cravings and reducing snack times, this power-packed drink regulates your calorie intake and manages your weight better.


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Packed With Anti-oxidants

Yes, if you want to lose weight, make sure to add enough foods to your diet, which are rich in antioxidants. Why? because your body needs it to burn the extra calories, and thus promote effective weight loss. Turmeric and ginger, both bursting with anti-inflammatory properties, are your allies against body inflammation that often causes weight gain and frustrates your weight loss efforts. Their power can help your body burn fat faster by lowering inflammation levels.

A great way to help your body lose weight is by cleansing the system at least once a day. In medical terms, it is called detoxification. Detoxing your body plays a monumental role in weight reduction. Turmeric ginger shots have natural detoxifying properties that flush out toxins from your liver and improve your overall health. A detoxed system paves the way for more effective weight loss.

Helps Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels

Stable blood sugar contributes to better weight control. This combo of turmeric and ginger helps balance your blood sugar levels, stopping those harmful sugar spikes and crashes that can add pounds. These shots are also known to enhance insulin sensitivity and support healthy weight management.


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Aids In Better Digestive Health

What is the secret to weight loss? Good gut health. Yes, you read that right! A healthy gut equals a healthier you, and this contributes considerably to weight loss. When you consume turmeric ginger shots on an empty stomach, it helps stimulate your body’s digestive enzyme production and thus helps in increasing nutrient absorption.

Provides You With Good Energy

This amazing Ayurvedic shot is also known for providing the body with energy. This natural energy source from turmeric and ginger makes it easier for you to engage in workouts and physical activities crucial for weight loss, but without the crash that comes with artificial stimulants.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Weight Loss

Although packed with several health benefits, you must consult your dietician before making turmeric ginger shots a part of your daily routine. Also if you want to lose weight healthily, make sure to eat healthy, have a lot of fiber-rich foods, and also exercise regularly.


NOTE – This article was originally published in thehealthsite and can be viewed here


Tags: #ayurvedic, #calories, #fiber, #fitness, #food, #getgreengetgrowing, #ginger, #gngagritech, #greenstories, #health, #metabolism, #turmeric, #weight loss, #weightmanagement